Living in Turku

With about 200.000 inhabitants, Turku is a rush-free city. That means 10 minutes from the city centre to Turku International Airport.

Live close to work, services, nature and hobbies.
Where could your new home be?

The national capital Helsinki is within an easy reach from Turku. The train connection between Turku and Helsinki is fast already (1 h 45 min), and will only get faster when the One Hour Train connection is up and running.

In Turku, living is easy and affordable

Practically free, from the perspective of people from Helsinki. In Tampere, the dream of having a house in the city centre rarely comes true. In Turku, owning a house in the vicinity of the city centre is a reality for many people.

And who wouldn’t love the Aurajoki riverside, the idyllic wooden house districts or a suburb in the middle of nature but surrounded by excellent traffic connections. There are also many wonderful residential areas in the neighbouring regions of Turku!

Turku may have excellent traffic connections, but it is also the perfect size for bicycles!

In Turku area, the Föli buses offer easy and affordable transport within six municipalities. The same tickets and prices are valid in Turku, Kaarina, Raisio, Naantali, Lieto and Rusko regardless of the length of the journey, crossing municipal borders or the number of times you change buses.

Nearly 10,000 passengers sail the busy Turku–Stockholm route every day. We aren’t off our rails! Reach Helsinki and Tampere in under two hours. Good flight connections around the world – and back again!

Find the bus and cycling routes in the Föli route guide: