The City of Turku introduces itself to the influencers in culture, tourism and media in the Embassy of Finland in Paris on Wednesday, 4 March 2020. The visit is organised in cooperation with the Embassy of Finland in Paris, the Turku Music Festival, Visit Turku, Business Finland, the Finnish-French Chamber of Commerce and the Institut Français de Finlande.

The international perspective of the City of Turku will be expanded thanks to the visit. In the future, the City of Turku will have an even wider and more systematic approach in the international cooperation.

– In Paris like in other international work and communication, the City of Turku does a lot of cooperation with cultural operators, companies, universities and others for the benefit of the whole region. This is one of the strengths of the City of Turku, says Saara Malila, Director of Communications at the City of Turku.

The City of Turku introduces itself in Paris as a cradle of Finnish culture, as the capital of the most beautiful archipelago and as the driving force of the current strong economic growth in the whole Finland. One of the most appreciated French philosophers, Michel Onfray, and a French composer Eric Tanguy will be performing in the event. The conversation is followed by a concert including a piece composed by Eric Tanguy on Michel Onfray’s text as well as works of Saariaho, Debussy and Sibelius.

– Turku Music Festival wants to raise the position of Turku as a cultural travel destination in cooperation with Visit Turku and this event is one concrete step towards that goal. Together with Visit Turku, Visit Finland and Business Finland we have identified areas with a potential for growth for Turku and France is one of them. At present there is strong interest towards Turku and promoting cultural tourism is also laid out in the Finnish Government’s Programme, so this is a favourable moment for this kind of work, says Liisa Ketomäki, Managing Director of the Turku Music Festival.

The Same Event Open for Everyone in Turku on 6 March 2020 as Part of the 100th Anniversary of the University of Turku

Michel Onfray and Eric Tanguy will perform also in the event in Turku on Friday, 6 March 2020 at 5 p.m. The event will be organised jointly by the Turku Music Festival and the University of Turku and it forms part of the 100th anniversary celebrations of the University of Turku. In Turku as well, Michel Onfray will discuss the relation between music and philosophy and their role in society in French with his friend, composer Eric Tanguy.

Like in the event in Paris, the discussion will be followed by a concert containing works of Saariaho, Debussy and Sibelius. The artists performing are mezzosoprano Elli Vallinoja, violinist Antti Tikkanen, cellist Senja Rummukainen and pianist Suzana Bartal.

Attending the conversation and the concert is free of charge, but it is advisable to register in advance. Please find further information of the event in Turku and the link to the registration form: