Want to organize a street performance? Or reserve a place to sell, for example, flea market items, handicrafts or other products? On the Event Carpet you can enable a piece of urban space from Rettinginrinne, Puutori or The Summer Street portion of Kristiinankatu.

Use your city

  • Event Carpets can be booked through the varaamo.turku.fi.
  • The maximum number of bookings is 3 bookings in 2 weeks.
  • Booking is free of charge for non-profit associations as well as for all performance activities.
  • For other bookings, companies and individuals are charged € 20/full day and € 10 /half day.
  • The booking fee is payable at the time of booking.


#Tapahtumamatto #EventCarpet #UseYourCity

Event Carpets are areas, marked with tape and colorful tags, that citizens, businesses and communities can reserve for their use. The first Carpets came to Turku in the summer of 2021 on Rettiginrinne and the Summer Street portion of Kristiinankatu. Now Puutori has got its own.

Puutori`s Event Carpet was introduced on 6.6. and the Summer Street Carpet season begins July 1, 2022. The Rettiginrinne Event Carpet has been available for rent all the time since last summer.

Puutori´s Event Carpet is located on the Brahenkatu side of the Market Square, next to Laari Lähiruokapiste. In July, Innogree`s Green Stop will also be brought to the area, which will allow you to stay in the shelter of a green wall. The Stop consists of benches, a plant-filled wall, a game table and a blackboard, on which anyone can draw and leave a greeting.   

- In an Aninkainen area survey of citizens, people hoped Puutori to be greener than at present. The aim is to make Puutori more attractive and comfortable this summer with an Event Mat and a temporary Green Stop, says Marie Nyman, the landscape architect of the City of Turku.

Free of charge for performers and associations

The Event Carpets of Puutori and Rettiginrinne are in use all year round, Kristiinankatu Carpet from 1 July to 31 August 2022. The Carpet can be booked for the whole day 10-22, for the day shift 10-16 or for the evening shift 16-22. 

Kai Kuutamo Show on the Kristiinankatu Event Carpet in the summer of 2021.

The Event Carpets are booked through the Varaamo-palvelu. Booking is always free for non-profit associations as well as for all performance activities. Other bookings are subject to a fee from companies and individuals. Full day rental is 20 € and half day 10 €.

You should mark your own event in the Turku region event calendar, Turun seudun tapahtumakalenteri, where those interested can find it. By adding Event Carpet “Tapahtumamatto” as a keyword, the event appears in the event listings for the Carpets.

The idea for the Event Carpets comes from the Ignite Turku, Sytytä Turku development competition. The aim is to enable the introduction of urban space uses such as streets and parks on a low threshold. To do this, a Use Your City- concept will be created and tested on Event Carpets. The idea was developed by architect Katia Salo.