International House Turku

Personal counselling for immigrants in several different languages.

Opening hours

Mon - Wed 09:00 - 16:00
Thu 10:00 - 16:00
Fri 09:00 - 15:00
Postal address: 
Aurakatu 8 | KOP-kolmio
20100 Turku
Street address: 
Aurakatu 8 | KOP-kolmio
20100 Turku

Visiting address: 

Aurakatu 8 | KOP-kolmio
20100 Turku


Advice for immigrants

Turun seudun maahanmuuttajat

We will advise and guide you. We offer advice and guidance in several different languages regarding aspects of life in Turku such as finding employment, education, various other things or filling in applications, (such as the Residence stay permit).

Service implementation: 

Self-produced services

Responsible organisation: 

Turun kaupunki
Service available in: 

Opening hours

Opening hours at the Monitori near Marcket Place
Mon - Wed 09:00 - 16:00
Thu 10:00 - 16:00
Fri 09:00 - 15:00

You can check when the service you require is in your language, book an appointment, register for work and education skills mapping, or language groups.

    Available in English and Finnish

    Reserve time for:

    • Law Advisor: Mon- Tue 12–16, Wed 9–13 
    • Social guidance: Mon 9 –13, Thu 9-12, and Wed 13–16
    • Business Advisor: Mon 13–16, Tue 12-16 pm and Wed 9–13 
    • Study Advisor for Secondary Education: Wed 9–12 
    • Study Advisor for University of Applied Sciences/  SIMHE (every other week): Wed 12–16

    Service implementation: 

    Self-produced services

    Service producer: 

    Turun kaupunki

    Responsible organisation: 

    Turun kaupunki
    Service available in: 

    Opening hours

    Mon - Wed 09:00 - 16:00
    Thu 10:00 - 16:00
    Fri 09:00 - 15:00

    Soft Landing Plan

    People who have moved to Turku recently or are thinking of moving to Turku

    We will help you get started if you are newly arrived in Turku by setting up a plan to help you settle in smoothly. We can guide you in finding a job, networking, Finnish courses, finding a place to live, and getting to know services that The City of Turku provides (including child care and free time activities).


    Service implementation: 

    Self-produced services

    Service producer: 

    Turun kaupunki

    Responsible organisation: 

    Turun kaupunki
    Service available in: 

    Opening hours

    No reservation needed
    Tue 12:00 - 16:00
    Thu 13:00 - 16:00
    Only with reservation
    Mon 09:00 - 13:00