Pilke Päiväkodit Oy/ Satakieli (Ruotsinsalmenkatu 6)

Person responsible: 
Day Care Center Manager Marjukka Lindroos


Marjukka Lindroos +358 40 486 517
Postal address: 
Ruotsinsalmenkatu 6
20240 Turku
Street address: 
Ruotsinsalmenkatu 6
20240 Turku

Visiting address: 

Ruotsinsalmenkatu 6
20240 Turku


Day Care

Privat day care in Perno, service voucher services

Private day care centre. If you want to apply for a place for your child in this day care centre, you should first directly contact the day care centre and then apply for a service voucher through the early childhood education e-services.

Service implementation: 

Service voucher services

Service producer: 

Pilke Päiväkodit Oy/ Satakieli

Responsible organisation: 

City of Turku Education Services
Service available in: 