Let’s eat the Baltic Sea clean! Challenge

Turun suomalainen yhteiskoulu (TSYK) Upper Secondary School invites all Finnish schools to join the Baltic Sea Challenge

The national Baltic Sea Day launched by the John Nurminen Foundation is held on 31 August 2023. We wish to challenge all school students to eat local Baltic Sea fish on that day. Make sure that your school serves local fish on the Baltic Sea Day and introduce local fish to your menus for good.

“We can remove phosphorus from our waters by eating Finnish fish. Phosphorus removal reduces eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, and eating fish promotes health and improves learning. By eating local fish, we can fill our bellies with Finnish delicacies. We also support local fishing, the benefits of which spread throughout the Finnish coast through drainage areas.”

Check the map and join your school to the challenge

School registeration

Materials for schools

The map is updated when schools registare and commit to the challenge. The map contains all schools since 2020. The map can also be found here.