Archives of the Welfare Division

Mäntymäki archives (archive of medical reports)

Address for visitors:
Kunnallissairaalantie 20, building 1A, 2nd floor

Tel: +358 (0)2 266 2971

Opening hours: on weekdays 8:30–14:30

Archives of the Social Office

Address for visitors:
Linnankatu 23

Tel: +358 (0)2 262 6100, +358 (0)2 262 6105

Opening hours: Mon–Fri 9:00–15:00

Mäntymäki archives

Medical records of the municipal residents are kept in the Mäntymäki archives. The medical records include, for example, medical reports, dental reports, and the documents of mother and child welfare clinics and school welfare.

Archives of the Social Office

Customer documents of the Social Services are kept in the archives of the Social Office. Documents of the Social Services include, for example, documents related to Family Services, Services for the Elderly and the Disabled, and Child Welfare.