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Good transport connections, a walking distance to the city centre, park-like urban spaces and modern housing solutions also guarantee the attractiveness of Science Park as a residential area. The number of residents in the Science Park area will grow by as many as 16.000 when new apartments are built on the side of Kupittaa park, in Itäharju and in the Student Village. The sharp increase in residents will add to the round-the-clock vividness of the area and diversify its service offering.

Kupittaa Ball Game Hall.

City district setting the bar for wellbeing

Developing Kupittaa Park, located in the area of Science Park, and its services as a round-the-clock oasis of exercise, sports and wellbeing creates significant added value for not only residents in the area but also for students and employees. When work and free time overlap and people work from home, cafés and parks more flexibly than before, the quality of the urban environment becomes a key factor in attracting skilled people.

In Turku Science Park, solutions and services promoting wellbeing are smoothly intertwined with everyday life in the area. In a new kind of urban structure, work and free time support each other and the atmosphere is vivid at all times, every day of the year.