Accompaniment Card for sports and culture

How do I get an Accompaniment Card?

City of Turku, Sports Services/Accompaniment Card
Blomberginaukio 4
FI-20720 Turku

For more information:

Sports Services Manager Johanna Friman



The Accompaniment Card makes it easier for a person with a disability or a chronic disease to exercise and experience culture. The card entitles one person to free admission to accompany or assist the card holder.

Use of the Accompaniment Card

  • The card is valid for up to five years
  • Upon request, the cardholder must provide proof of identity
  • The card holder is responsible for selecting the assistant and the assistant’s competence for the task. In public changing rooms, the assistant must be of the same sex.
  • Two cards may be issued to persons with severe disabilities who have a legitimate need for two assistants.
  • The Disability Card issued by Kela with the letter A entitles one person accompanying/assisting the card holder to free admission to the sports facilities in the City of Turku on the same basis as the Accompaniment Card.
  • Learn more about the EU Disability Card

Where you can use the Accompaniment Card in Turku

When purchasing a ticket, please mention the Accompaniment Card, your assistant and any assistive device you may have.


Cultural attractions, theatres, concerts, etc.