Turun seudun sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelukiinteistöt Oy (“Turku Region Social and Health Care Services Properties Ltd.”)

Turun seudun sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelukiinteistöt in numbers

  • The company owns 23 buildings in the use of the Welfare Division (scale in total 90,000 m2).
  • The company is 100% owned by the City.

The field of the company comprises owning and managing buildings and shares, other securities, and properties, and to trade them. The company also practices rental activity with apartments and properties.

Board of Turun seudun sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelukiinteistöt Oy
Mika Maaskola, Chair
Leevi Luoto
Olli A. Manni
Mikaela Sundqvist
Jarkko Virtanen

CEO of Turun seudun sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelukiinteistöt Oy is Jaakko Laaksonen.