Day cares, family day cares, open early childhood education
Comprehensive schools, special classes, and morning and afternoon activities
Upper secondary schools and Turku Vocational Institute
International House Turku
Plots, permits, and planning
Public transport, cycling, parking, street maintenance
Luvat, ilmoitukset, valvonta
Animal care, invasive species
Sports facilities, organised exercise, and equpment for rent
Museums, theatres, orchestras, events
Parks, recreational areas and marked routes
Library services, Vaski- library
Activities, hobbies, guidance, and support for young people
Information on jobseeking and training
Employer and recruitment services, starting a business, business premises and plots, procurements and competitive tendering
Tapahtumapalvelut ja yhteystiedot, tapahtumaluvat ja -ilmoitukset, tapahtumien vapaaehtoispankki
Areal development, planning, construction projects
Climate work, diversity of nature, circular economy
Art and culture pilot programs, new premises and modes of operation
Promoting well-being and health, inclusion, balanced regional development
Current reform improvement and change projects
Notices, news, events, announcements
City Administration, decision-making, strategy, economy, procurements, invoicing
Customer service, invoicing and charges, archives, media and communication
Area names, statistics
Give us feedback, kerrokantasi service, innitiatives, resident budget, advisory boards and councils, elections, community labour, Mayors come to visit
Applications, reports, funds, grants
Event, meeting, school and business facilities for rent
Statistics, maps and geographic information, urban research, information management
The Boostii benefit is a financial support targeted at residents of Turku, encouraging children and youth to engage in regular physical activity.
Turku, the oldest city in Finland, will turn 800 in 2029. Join us in planning a great celebration for Turku!
The Current events page compiles all the latest news, announcements, travel alerts, articles, events and social media tips.
Create the Turku of the future with us!